Diploma of Clinical Hypnotherapy
created by
Sheila Granger
facilitated by
Michelle Davidson
Queensland Hypnosis Academy
recognised training in Australia and Internationally
Enrolments are now being taken for diploma training beginning June 2023 based in Gold Coast
Come to the Practical Introduction to Hypnotherapy on Saturday 10th June 2023 and discover if this is for you in a fun first day of training.
Cost will be deducted from diploma fee for those continuing further
Phone +61 487 748 302
You love helping others
Complete Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy and how to establish your Hypnotherapy Business in Australia including marketing
This course is recognised by the
Australian Hypnotherapists Association and Guild of Australian Hypnotherapists. Also internationally recognised training.
Delivered in person in Queensland, Australia
and online by Michelle Davidson AHA Clinical Member 2015568
Hypnotherapy is a rewarding career
This officially recognised diploma training will allow you to
- Change careers
- Add to your existing practice, a popular addition for health pratitioners in many modalities from dentist , chiropractors to naturopaths
- help people, it's especially rewarding
- work flexible hours
- start a new business
Pay $600 today, then pay $600 monthly for 9 months.
Total $6000. AUD
A proven approach
It is my mission to bring this approach to all the wonderful change makers.
A complete diploma which introduces simple fun connective activities that empower.

Action starts with the right mindset. We get you in the correct head-space from the start.

Step-by-step guides
No high-flying jibber jabber. This course focuses on delivering results in easy to follow steps.

Queensland Hypnosis Academy
The course comes with everything you need
Vibrant community
Not only do you get access to our proven course content – you also become part of our vibrant community who are here to help and support you and everyone else on your journey.
All participants invited to a private facebook group.
The best Hypnotherapy Training.